Voluntary Action Coventry is sharing the following information on behalf of NASP (National Academy of Social Prescribing)

Monday 27th Feb, 1-2.30pm
This webinar presents the findings of the five recent Evidence Reviews produced by NASP’s academic collaborative.
These reviews summarise what the recent evidence tells us about the health and wellbeing benefits of taking part in activities related to:
· arts, culture and heritage
· natural environment
· social, legal and welfare advice
· physical activity.
Social Prescribing Day 2023
Mark your calendars for #SocialPrescribingDay 2023! As a community group or anyone involved with Social Prescribing, you can be part of this big celebration in demonstrating the amazing impact your work has on people’s health and wellbeing. You can join the Social Prescribing show on March 9th either online or in-person. Get your tickets and find out more here.

Midlands Learning Together programme is FREE to join, as part of Thriving Communities, which aims to support community health and wellbeing groups sustain their work for Social Prescribing.
The learning together programme will help you understand what the NHS is doing to develop Social Prescribing and how your work is part of Social Prescribing. You will have the chance to create partnerships with fellow community groups and other professionals across the health and local authority system to sustain your work in the long term.
Click here too learn more about the Midlands Learning Together programme as part of Thriving Communities National Academy for Social Prescribing. You can find out more from an hour online session about the programme see here for details and registration.
Power of Music funding
Do you run a dementia-friendly community choir or singing group? Here’s a great funding opportunity to support your work. Registration opens 13th Feb. Find full details here