
Vicky’s story

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Vicky IL 03.25 (1)

We supported Vicky to turn barriers into opportunities and find fulfilling roles in the community.

Vicky enrolled on our supported volunteering course, Improving Lives back in February 2024. At that point Vicky was facing barriers to employment – with our engagement officer Jemma Paterson,  she discussed how her mental health difficulties, caring responsibilities and a lack of confidence around job hunting following a break from employment were holding her back. Vicky says:

‘When I started the Improving Lives course, I knew that I wanted to volunteer within the mental health sector, due to having lived experience in this area – although I didn’t have a clue about where to start!”

During the six week programme, Vicky took part in group discussions and team building exercises, developing her self-confidence and improving communication skills. She adds adds:

“I got to learn about many different volunteering possibilities and … that this could lead into paid employment … the course helped remind me of and build upon my skill base so that I [feel] more confident in applying for employment in the future.  Already, the possibility of paid employment in both my volunteering roles has come up.”.

From these experiences, she recognised that she is passionate about helping people and supporting those who experience poor mental health.

Jemma explains what happened next:

“We linked Vicky up with the charity ‘Violet Project’, who provide local Suicide Bereavement Support Groups in Coventry. During her time with the charity, Vicky has undertaken extensive training in mental health and supported the charity’s awareness days and support groups. She now runs walking groups for the charity providing an outlet for family members who are bereaved due to suicide.

We also supported Vicky in applying for a role with ‘Coventry, Warwickshire and Worcestershire Mind’. Her role here, located at their Wellbeing Hub in Coventry, includes socialising and connecting with adults visiting the drop-in hub for mental health support.”

A year on, Vicky has found the follow-on support from VAC valuable.

“Even after the course had finished, there was still constant support from the VAC team. They would regularly check in on my progress, and try to see if there was any other support/courses that they could help with, including CV writing/ updating. I am very grateful for all of their time and help that I have received since completing the course in February 2024.’ 

Due to the experience she has gained over the past year, Vicky is looking to further her experience to work towards gaining employment in the mental health field. We’re so proud of you Vicky and look forward to following your progress. Thank you for contributing your story, which we hope will inspire others to ‘take the first step’.

To find out how Improving Lives could support you or someone you know, take a look at our web page here.

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If you would like to find out more information please get in touch

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