VCSE Alliance

VCSE Alliance membership

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Our Voluntary, Community, Social Enterprise (VCSE) Alliance is how we connect with, support, and link together third sector organisations in the city. Membership is FREE and open to all voluntary, community organisations or social enterprises based (or active) in Coventry.  

We welcome all voluntary sector organisations and groups based in or offering services for the good of Coventry and the people who live here.
We call this collective the VCSE Alliance. 

Why you should join the VCSE Alliance

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Being part of our VCSE Alliance is a great way to network, gain support, stay informed, promote your organisation, services and volunteer opportunities and feel connected to the sector.

Explore the benefits of membership here via our Member’s Handbook and our At a Glance one page guide. 

Join the Coventry VCSE Alliance now!

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We encourage a culture of sharing, partnership and working together, as laid out in our Manifesto

If your organisation values this too, join us and create a profile!

Head over to Get Involved Coventry, sign up now by creating your profile – it’s free to join.


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Our Voluntary, Community, Social Enterprise (VCSE) Alliance is how we connect with, support, and link together third sector organisations in the city. Membership is FREE and open to all voluntary, community organisations or social enterprises based (or active) in Coventry.  

Being part of our VCSE Alliance is a great way to network, gain support, stay informed, promote your organisation, services and volunteer opportunities and feel connected to the sector.

VAC offer several support services included in VCSE Alliance membership. You can explore all of them here.

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