
Stay up to date with the latest from VA Coventry

Voluntary Action Coventry is here to help you find your perfect role...

Moving more helps our Mental Health This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and...

From Bollywood dance to bowls, the Chat Central team run a varied...

everyone is welcome. Come and join us and find out about volunteering!...

St Philip’s Church, Potters Green was a wonderful location for our fourth...

Residents sprang into action at our latest UKSPF Community Fair, held at...

Residents Get Involved Voluntary Action Coventry Transforming Volunteering in Coventry Tues 16...

Foleshill Community Centre sees the launch of the first of six UK...

Our second UKSPF Community Fair coming up in Canley, 12/03/24 Tuesday 12...

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VCSE Alliance Members News – member-only monthly email bulletin including VAC project updates, grant funding information, VCSE news and articles, training and networks etc. Become a member and subscribe here.

Perspectives – our quarterly e-news for non-members where we keep you abreast with the latest VCSE sector news. We share news and communications from the sector in Coventry, a digest on VAC projects and services, sector specific communications from NHS and City Council, plus job vacancies, events and more. Subscribe here.

Get Involved Coventry news – a quarterly digest from the wonderful world of volunteering. We share the latest volunteering roles, news and events. To subscribe, click here to create a  volunteer profile and opt in when prompted. 

If you would like to find out more information please get in touch

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