Find Volunteer Roles
Being a volunteer can help you to learn new things, build confidence, and connect in your community and with other people. It gives a sense of satisfaction and purpose, and there are a great range of roles to suit every individual.
The right volunteer role

We will help you find the perfect volunteering activity. We help people connect with each other and their local community.
Get Involved Coventry is an initiative of Voluntary Action Coventry – it’s an extensive database that helps you to easily find everything the voluntary sector in Coventry has to offer – from volunteering opportunities, to community events, and help, advice and support when you need it.
Our Community Directory contains all members of our Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Alliance. It’s a huge collection of voluntary sector organisations working to make a better Coventry for all who live in the city.
Click through to Get Involved Coventry to find ways to offer your support through volunteering.
Are you looking for a Team Volunteering activity?

There are plenty of ways to have some fun whilst volunteering for a good cause.
Use our Get Involved Coventry platform to create a team profile and find your perfect group task.

The right
volunteer role

Case study