We have started to meet up in small groups outside a couple of times a week now and it seems to be working well. It’s been so lovely to see some people, who aren’t on line, for the first time in four months and others face-to-face rather than just on zoom.
Please do join us if you feel comfortable doing so – we generally meet up on Tuesday morning and Thursday afternoon but this depends on the weather so get in touch if you are not on our message list for regular weekly updates.
Here is our regular weekly on-line timetable
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
11am -12Drop-in coffee morning | Meet outside if possible | 11am – 12Drop-in coffee morning | ||
12 -12.30pmCulture Club | 2 – 2.45pmMindfulness/meditation | 12 – 12.30pmCulture Club | ||
4 – 5pm Crafts | 4 – 5pmDancing | 4-5pmChair Yoga |
Please do join us – on zoom via video or phone
Video link – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/442864444
To join by phone: dial 0131 460 1196 Meeting ID: 442 864 444 Then it will ask you for participant ID or # – so just press #
We also often have spontaneous activities happening that members organise and I will keep people informed of things happening – if you would like to be kept in the loop – please let me know your contact details and look out for them on social media @ChatCentral2 Instagram: chatcentralcoventry. We also have a new Chat Central Facebook Page
What are our on-line events?
1. Drop-in coffee morning – a chance for anyone to come along for a general chat amongst friends – you can join this session via phone only if you want – don’t need internet access.
2. Culture Club –come along and talk about any TV, film, book, radio, music etc that you are enjoying. We may decide to watch something and discuss it, people may bring a short poem to share and discuss – let’s see….. you can join this session via phone only if you want – don’t need internet.
3. Crafts – Seyedeh shows us how to make various creative projects, using things that you have around the house – you can just watch or join in, relax and chat at the same time as learning new skills
4. Mindfulness/meditation – Manjit guides us in various ways and methods to feel peaceful and calm and live in the present moment – you can join this session via the phone only if you want – don’t need internet.
5. Dancing – Seyedeh runs a very inclusive and enjoyable dance session with a mixture of Iranian/Arabic/Western/Bollywood tracks – open to all – you can use as much or as little energy as you like.
6. Chair Yoga – Neeta run this inclusive yoga session – is a lovely stretch for everyone – easy for those that need it and more challenging if you are more experienced. Make sure that you talk to Neeta if you have any physical conditions that need to be thought about.
Foleshill Creates

If you have Facebook and you like art – Foleshill Creates has an art workshop every Tuesday at 10.30am on Facebook Live. There’s always something new and it’s a fun, relaxed class
New Volunteers
We are always looking for new volunteers who are willing to get involved with our activities and maybe to call up people on the phone also for a friendly chat.
Some pictures from July
Foleshill Community Garden Trip
Meeting outside at Memorial Park
Chair yoga with Neeta
Zahera showed us how to make Chickpea curry
![]() | If you need any more information just contact us on 07840 550801 or email usHeather: h.parker@vacoventry.org.ukOlugbemi: o.moronfolu@vacoventry.org.ukOrchatcentral@vacoventry.org.uk | ![]() |