About Us
Voluntary Action Coventry exists to promote & support social action & community resilience in Coventry

Strengthening communities, building capability and improving quality of life for residents in the city.
VAC seeks to encourage resilience in communities, supporting people to build their capacity and enabling them to do more for themselves. VAC believe that reducing health inequalities through the targeting of resources based on need and investing in prevention and early intervention can have a significant impact, improving both health outcomes: wellbeing, mental health and social relations and increasing productivity and educational attainment.

Voluntary Action Coventry exists to promote & support social action & community resilience in Coventry

Strengthening communities, building capability and improving quality of life for residents in the city.
VAC seeks to encourage resilience in communities, supporting people to build their capacity and enabling them to do more for themselves. VAC believe that reducing health inequalities through the targeting of resources based on need and investing in prevention and early intervention can have a significant impact, improving both health outcomes: wellbeing, mental health and social relations and increasing productivity and educational attainment.

What we do

- Volunteer Centre Coventry – promotion and brokerage of volunteering opportunities to everyone in Coventry, so that together we can build capacity, share skills and tackle inequalities
- Supported volunteering – our tailored support programme; Improving Lives helps people with a range of barriers play an active part in their communities through volunteering
- Healthwatch Coventry – enabling the public to have a greater say on the health and social care services provided within the city, in particular, helping to address issues, problems or barriers within particular services.
- VCSE Alliance – information and advice to voluntary, community and social enterprises
- Reduce isolation – our Chat Central and Active Central programmes help bring people together with shared interests to overcome loneliness and increase skills for volunteering
- Involvement in local networks, partnerships and collaborations - addressing disadvantage and inequalities
Annual Report

View a visual summary of the annual report via our Annual Review here:
Over 50 voluntary organisations turned out in force for Voluntary Action Coventry’s (VAC) AGM, September 2024, to witness the official launch of the Coventry VCSE Alliance Manifesto. VAC’s membership, known as the Coventry VCSE Alliance came together to make the commitment to make Coventry a better place for all who live here. Read more here.